Sample types & applications

  • Textiles

    Provenancing textile sources, differentiating local vs imported materials

  • Ceramics

    Sourcing ceramic content origins and identifying food residue types and sources

  • Human bones & teeth

    Identifying place of birth and death, migration patterns, and diet

  • Animal bones & teeth

    Determining species mobility, domestication, and dietary patterns

  • Charcoal & wood

    Identifying past vegetation and environmental conditions

  • Pigments, dyes & glass

    Identifying geological sources of natural dyes, pigments, and glass materials

  • Metal artifacts

    Sourcing metal artifact ores/mines and tracing ancient trade networks

  • Soil & sediments

    Establishing environmental baselines and site formation processes

  • Plant remains

    Identifying crop provenance, water use, and environmental conditions

Carbon (C)


Nitrogen (N)


Oxygen (O)


Strontium (Sr)


Lead (Pb)


Hydrogen (H)


Radiocarbon (14C)


Uranium-Thorium (U/Th)


Carbon (C) 〰️ Nitrogen (N) 〰️ Oxygen (O) 〰️ Strontium (Sr) 〰️ Lead (Pb) 〰️ Hydrogen (H) 〰️ Radiocarbon (14C) 〰️ Uranium-Thorium (U/Th) 〰️

Isotopes of interest